Code of Conduct For Guest
Before Arrival
Communicate clearly and promptly with your host regarding your arrival time and any special requirements or preferences you may have.
Respect Privacy
Respect the privacy and property of the host. Avoid accessing areas of the property that are off-limits without prior permission.
Travel Responsibly
Ensure that you arrive at the host's place at the agreed-upon time. Notify the host in advance if there are any delays or changes to your travel plans.
Pack Responsibly
Pack only what you need for your stay and avoid bringing excessive luggage or belongings that may clutter the host's space.
During the Stay
Respect House Rules
Adhere to the house rules set by the host, including guidelines for noise levels, smoking, pets, and other relevant policies.
Maintain cleanliness and tidiness during your stay. Clean up after yourself and leave the accommodation in the same condition as you found it.
Respectful Behavior
Treat the host and their property with respect and courtesy. Be mindful of their space and belongings, and avoid causing any damage or disturbance.
Open Communication
Keep the lines of communication open with your host throughout your stay. Address any concerns or issues promptly and constructively.
Take appropriate measures to ensure your safety and security during your stay. Lock doors and windows when leaving the accommodation and safeguard your personal belongings.
After Check-Out
Check-Out Time
Respect the agreed check-out time and vacate the accommodation promptly. Allow the host sufficient time to prepare for the next guest.
Leave Feedback
Provide feedback to the host about your experience, highlighting any positive aspects and offering constructive criticism, if necessary. This helps improve the overall experience for future guests.
Express Gratitude
Express gratitude to the host for their hospitality and assistance during your stay. Consider leaving a token of appreciation, such as a thank-you note or small gift, as a gesture of goodwill.
As a iCaravan guest, you represent our community and values. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to creating a positive and respectful environment for both hosts and guests alike. Enjoy your stay and happytravels!